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Vertical Centrifugal Formings

New Facility for Sophisticated Machining Processing


JCT manufactures vertical centrifugal formings, the latest patented technology in centrifugal casting, and machines then to exact customer specifications in-house.

7- keys to Working with Johnson Centrifugal

  1. Works with the tough alloys, including brass, nickel silvers, aluminum, pure copper, chrome copper, stainless steel, monel and copper nickel.
  2. Was founded in 1905 as a small sand foundry and is now in its fourth generation of Johnson family ownership and operation.
  3. Recently expanded its facility to 50,000 sq. ft. and is based in Saukville, Wisconsin (20 miles north of Milwaukee).
  4. Serves a variety of customers throughout North America and the United Kingdom, including many in the power generation, mining, medical, semiconductor, military, shipping and paper industries.
  5. Employs 110 full time employees, including five engineers with a total of 100+ years of metallurgical and structural expertise.
  6. Is constantly improving its processes and expanding its expertise. JBM® has invested $5 million in technology and R & D in the last three years alone.
  7. Has pioneered many applications of its centrifugal process and is now one of the most technologically advanced foundries in the United States

Watch What We Do


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We machine castings and formings to your exact tolerances, certified
to specification by our Lab and
Quality Control Departments.
We’d love to show you what
we can do for you.

Visit our Comprehensive Metal Alloy Guide

JCT regularly manufactures metal
components both in cast and wrought
alloys, exceeding all physical
properties typically found with forgings
and forged metals.
Review the JCT Alloy Guide.

View our Product Photo Portfolio

Take a Look at What We’ve Done!
We create centrifugally formed
products for a wide range of
industries and applications.
See photos and descriptions
of many of our recent creations!

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