JCT Alloy Application Review – Stainless Steel Group

JCT is the only facility in the US to offer vertical centrifugal castings in Copper, Aluminum and Stainless Steel alloy groups! Today will review our expertise in Stainless Steel alloys, where high yield can reduce expensive machining costs.
Key characteristics: Corrosion resistance, ease of fabrication, good weldability, and extremely high tensile strength with low-temperature heat treatment
Maximum JCT Pour Weights: 10,000 lbs (4536 kg)
Typical JCT Dimensions: 6 to 78 inches in diameter; all lengths up to 52 inches
Various Stainless Steel Alloys and Typical Applications:
Austenitic Stainless Steels
- CF3, CF8 (300 series) Nitronic and others
- Seawater components, food & beverage, and chemical processing equipment
Precipitation Hardening Steels
- 17-4PH, 15-5PH and variations
- Bearing and gear components, wear sleeves, and other structural components
Martensitic Stainless Steels
- CA6NM, CA15, 400 Series and others
- Bear and gear components, wear sleeves, and other structural components
Duplex Stainless Steels
- CD3MN, CD4MCu, CE8MN and others
- Food and chemical processing equipment that require higher mechanical properties
Heat Resistant Stainless Steels
- Incoloy 800, HK40, HH, 25-35 and others
- Heat treat, cement and mineral processing, and reformer manifold components
- M-35-1, M-30H, M-30C, M-25S
- Marine propellers, seawater valves and piping systems, and drilling equipment
For more information on the many alloys JCT offers, please visit our comprehensive Alloy Guide.
For help with a component part project, please access our Request a Quote Form or call 262-377-9440
Posted by Jim Hatt
Vice President of Sales & Marketing
Johnson Centrifugal Technology